Want to come workout?

Come in. That's it.

Put on some comfortable and stretchy clothes, grab some running or tennis shoes, and show up ready to learn and take the first step to a stronger you.

moab gym, gym on 5th, crossfit, crossfit moab

Step 1

Check out our schedule and pick a time that works for you.

If you're brand new to this type of exercise (awesome!) or if it's just been a while, don’t worry. You don’t need to be in shape to get started at the gym. All of our classes are for you. Plan on getting here 15 minutes early so we can introduce ourselves, have you fill out some paperwork, and show you around. 

moab crossfit gym

step 2

Show up.

Be prepared to work hard. You're not going to be expected to know everything (or anything!) about this kind of exercise when you come in. We've all started at the beginning, so check your ego at the door and bring a positive attitude. And a bottle of water. 


moab crossfit gym

step 3

Keep coming in.

Your teeth don't get better if you only go to the dentist once, your car will definitely break down if you don't have it maintained regularly, and your mind and body will not see any improvements unless you come in on a regular basis. We recommend committing to 3 classes a week for 1 month before you really start to feel some changes.